
Showing posts from February, 2018

Planet Keef's New Logo

When I renamed my 'doing things' channel to Planet Keef (it had previously been Keef Makes and before that Keef Talks), only about a month ago, I made a spiffy new logo for it. It was shiny metallic 3D letters spelling out the name, orbiting a 3D model of the earth. It was all very slick, and had a wonderfully bombastic fanfare to go with it. And it was totally wrong for the character of me and my channel. I mentioned that I wasn't 100% thrilled with it at the time, but I had to get something up. Anyway, a few weeks later, completely out of the blue, I got an email from a 20-something freelance graphic designer in Liverpool. He said he was a big fan, and he'd made a logo for Planet Keef. I had a look at the logo and fell in love with it more or less instantly. Here it is: The designer's name is Will Gossage. We agreed a modest fee and I set about nailing the logo to everything connected with Planet Keef. You can see more of Will's work on his website  www

Planet Keef Livestream, February 4th

I did my first Planet Keef livestream a few days ago. I had done one a few months ago on Keef Cooks and thoroughly enjoyed it. I wanted to do one for Planet Keef for the simple reason that livestreams last much longer than edited videos - about 90 minutes is what I aim for - and so it's a good way to pile up a lot of watch time. And if you're wondering why I'm worried about watch time, well I'm not, but YouTube loves it. In fact YouTube loves it so much that under the new rules for monetising videos on new channels, you need at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time in the previous 12 months. It's a significant barrier to entry. To give you some perspective, right now Planet Keef has 601 subscribers and has had 20,041 minutes of watch time in the last 365 days. So that's 334 hours. (I'm not really being fair here, the channel was wandering around in the wilderness until about a month ago and in the last 28 days it's had 12,000 minutes