
Showing posts from August, 2019

Ender 3 - 7 Upgrades

Practically everyone who has an Ender 3 and a YouTube channel will, at some point, do a video about upgrades they've done to make their printer work / look better. I'm no different, so here's my collection of improvements. Bear in mind I've already done some major work as a result of breaking the printer six months ago - a new mainboard, hot end, Bowden tube, limit switch and bed springs. Anyway, here goes: 1) MAGNETIC PRINT BED The original print bed is held onto the heater plate by 4 mini bulldog clips. Actually 3, in my case, because I lost one. It really needed replacing because it was generally worn and had a number of grooves gouged into it from where my bed-levelling wasn't remotely correct. The magnetic print bed costs about £10 and comes in 2 parts.There's a magnetic base with an adhesive backing - you stick this to the printer's heated bed. The flexible top sheet is what you print on, and at the end of a print you can easily remove it and flex i

Google Chromecast vs Amazon Fire TV Stick

When it comes to streaming TV and Video On Demand, I'm a bit late to the party. Sure, I watch YouTube videos on my computer, iPad and phone, but never before on the actual telly. And the reasons for that? Well firstly I'm not a big consumer of TV - I might watch an hour or two each night, or none - I'm just as happy to read a book. And secondly, we don't have a smart TV and I really didn't understand how it works. But here we are, just getting used to the idea of it being the 21st Century, and now the proud owner owner of not one, but two streaming TV devices. You might think that's a bit excessive, and so do I. Here's what happened... Many moons ago now, Amazon announced it had commissioned a 6-part dramatisation of Good Omens by the late, great Pterry Pratchett and the admirable Neil Gaiman. Others have tried to bring Terry's novels to the screen, but missed the mark by about a million miles - somehow the people involved just didn't get it. B